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Kansas Association for Court Management

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President's Blog

This page is where you can read the most recent updates from the Kansas Association for Court Management's President. 

  • Thursday, October 10, 2024 11:06 AM | Nicole Armstrong (Administrator)

    Good morning,

    It was great to see everyone at the annual conference last month! As the theme was overcoming obstacles, we got to hear about some of the challenges we experience in municipal court, along with positive responses. Thank you for attending! 

    Thank you for the opportunity to serve as President of KACM! I look forward to working with everyone to accomplish the goals of the association.

    An area of focus will be the continuity and development of the association. It's important that our association is constantly evolving, which includes new ideas, growth, and movement. As such we have implemented an onboarding process for new board members. The success of KACM depends on the involvement of members, so please let us know if you'd like to take on a more active role. 

    Looking forward to the upcoming year!

    Thank you,

  • Tuesday, January 31, 2023 3:13 PM | Deleted user

    I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I know I am ready to have some warm weather and be able to enjoy the outdoors.

    I would like to apologize about not keeping everyone up to date on the happenings with our clerks within KACM. No excuses and it will be better this year. Stephanie Cole from Augusta has stepped in as the Website / Newsletter chair and we are working on getting things up to date. If you have any information on a clerk that has had a baby, family has passed, gotten married, or retired, we want to know about it.  Sometimes the only way that our friends within KACM know what is going on with us is through the Members page. Please shoot us an email or post it in the members forum.

    Membership fees of $50 (per member) should be paid no later than March 1st.  You may now pay by credit card on the website or print an invoice to mail a check. Remember if you do not pay by March 1st your access to the member’s forum and additional information may be shut off.   

    The OJA Conference is at the Wichita Marriott again this year.  March 2nd is the New Clerk’s Orientation and March 3rd is Conference.  If you know of any new clerks that have been hired, please get them in touch with OJA so they can get signed up to attend the March 2nd training date.  It is very beneficial for all new clerks. 

    Also be sure to mark your calendars for September 28th and 29th for the KACM Conference in Manhattan. Nicole Armstrong from Lenexa and the education committee has been working on a wonderful agenda that I think you all will enjoy and learn from.

    I hope that you all stay healthy, and we will see you at the OJA Conference in March.   

  • Sunday, February 13, 2022 9:51 PM | Deleted user

    Look how beautiful this website is! A huge shout out to Jeff Piper from KPOA who put most of this together for us! 

    With this website we are able to offer you more control over your membership, the ability to pay your membership and conference registration with a credit card, one centralized location for Board meeting minutes, updates and resources.

    Go and explore! :)

  • Wednesday, February 09, 2022 12:34 PM | Deleted user

    I want to give a big shout out to Christina Lucas and the Education Committee for planning such a great conference last year in Lawrence!!

    We learned how to communicate better and lead a team; we learned about the issues courts might be facing with decriminalizing marijuana and best practices for collecting past due fine amounts. 

    Kathy TisdaleKathy Tisdale, one of the founders  of KACM, spoke to us about how KACM and Municipal Courts have changed over the years which was such a treat to listen to! We celebrated our 35th Anniversary by playing games, eating and painting! Deana Scott, Court Administrator for Prairie Village, received the Outstand Court Clerk award for her leadership and dedication to court knowledge.

    Overall, one of the best conferences, although, all of the conferences we’ve had have always been the "best".

© Copyright 2022, Kansas Association of Court Management
The Kansas Association for Court Management is a registered 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Not for Profit Corporation in Kansas. 
Inquiries may be directed to 2100 N Ohio, Augusta, KS 67010

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